Understanding the world of genetics
It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as based on a DNA sample to evaluate if you could by exposed you to a chance to develop certain diseases like cancer, or to find out how your current or future pharmaceutical treatments may work on you, or if newly diagnosed early breast cancer treatment may not require chemotherapy, or which targeted therapies will work based on tumor unique genetic profile. We are here to help you explore which genetic tests may be right for you and what those tests could show you about your health.
EndoPredict® is a multi-gene test for breast cancer patients.
Using a specially developed procedure, EndoPredict provides physicians with information to devise personalized treatment plans for their newly diagnosed early breast cancer patients.
The EndoPredict test is based on the analysis of tumor prolipherative and hormone receptor-related genes in combination with the classical prognostic factors of nodal status and tumour size delivering an unique highly reliable prognostic score on the risk of breast cancer’s early and distant recurrence for a time interval as long as 15 years.
EndoPredict’s EPclin prognostic score will influence whether or not chemotherapy is necessary be prescribed together with endocrine therapy for the management of your early breast cancer.
Presently more than 30,000 women worldwide had their treatment plan decisions shaped by EndoPredict EPClin score results.
Other tests that may fit your health interests:

Prolaris® is a genomic test developed to aid healthcare professionals in predicting prostate cancer aggressiveness in conjunction with clinical parameters such as Gleason score and PSA, in order to better define the treatment and monitoring strategy for their patients.